The GLS Spreadsheet

All GLS reports and database printouts are displayed as spreadsheets, a grid with cells that hold various types of data that can be formatted in many ways. Commercial Windows® Spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft® Excel® are very popular. You probably have such a program installed on your computer. If you do, and if you have spent some time learning these programs, you already know how useful and versatile spreadsheets can be. We cannot teach spreadsheet basics here, however, the more you know about spreadsheets the better you will be at getting the most out of GLS.

A spreadsheet, also known as a worksheet, is a grid made up of ROWS and COLUMNS, the intersection of which is called a CELL. Each cell is a unique entity which can hold text, numbers, or graphics. Each cell can be formatted uniquely. All cells have a unique "range number" which identifies it. The range number is determined by the location of the cell, for example the first cell in the upper left corner is cell A1. Columns can be consecutively numbered or lettered. Rows are usually numbered only. You address a cell as Column A, Row 1. Worksheets are a great way to work with numbers. For example, if you had a column of numbers, say in the Range A1 to A6 (written A1:A6), you can place the formula =A1:A6 (equal sign denotes formula), in cell A7 and always have the current sum displayed. If you change a number in the column, the cell with the formula is undated with the new sum. Many books have been written about spreadsheets, and the user's guides that comes with the above mentioned programs are excellent.

GLS outputs are in spreadsheet format. Many of the reports have extensive formatting. Such things as Font, Font Size, Column Width, Row Height, Cell Type (whether it is text, number, or graphic), Borders, Alignment (whether the text or number in the cell is placed in the center, left, or right), etc. All of the spreadsheet features can be changed just like the spreadsheets you are using. In fact, all spreadsheet data can be Cut or Copied from GLS and Pasted into your Windows spreadsheet program for further formatting or to produced graphs, if you desire.

Whenever a spreadsheet is open in GLS a special Formatting Menu (which can be accessed by right-mouse-clicking anywhere on the spreadsheet) allows you to format and manipulate the spreadsheet in various ways. Other available menus allow you to adjust how the spreadsheet is displayed and has many options for Saving Files; Printing all or parts of the spreadsheet; Cut, Copy, or Paste cells or ranges of cells; Insert, Delete, Freeze, Hide, or UnHide columns or rows; Setting Cell Types, Background Colors, Borders, or Sorting lists; Freezing rows or columns...any many more. The best way to learn about spreadsheet formatting is experiment. Practice saving and opening a spreadsheet. Work with the Print functions, practice sorting lists, format the fonts, etc.  Also, check out the Print Preview function from the File Menu which allows you to see how your report will look and to make any adjustments to the Page Setup before it is sent to the printer